The job description says: "Position directly under the President of the company. Involved in new business as an office manager." I applied for the position because I thought it would link to my career development, allowing me to make use of my previous experience while aiming for further career progression.
The job description says: "Position directly under the President of the company. Involved in new business as an office manager." I applied for the position because I thought it would lead to my career development, allowing me to make use of my previous experience while aiming for further career progression.
I aim to be a generalist. I have read your job description and I think that the position of start-up project office manager for a new business has a wide range of tasks and is linked to the career development I aim for.
I aim to be a generalist. I have read your job description and think that the position of start-up project office manager for a new business has a wide range of tasks and is aligned with the career development I aim for.
2. Use "is aligned with" instead of "is linked to" because "aligned with" better conveys that the position matches or supports your career goals. "Linked to" can imply a connection without the clear sense of purpose or direction that "aligned with" provides.
I was an executive assistant and provided support to the executive. My duties were varied and included scheduling, preparing documents to short deadlines, preparing for meetings and providing hospitality to international guests. I am confident that I can be a generalist and be of service to your company as your office manager.
I was an executive assistant and provided support to the executive. My duties were varied and included scheduling, preparing documents on short deadlines, preparing for meetings, and providing hospitality to international guests. I am confident that I can be a generalist and be of service to your company as your office manager.
- ambition(野心、熱望)
- intention(目的、意図)
- objective(目的、目標)
- envision(想像する、心に描く)
- planning(計画している、考えている)
- player(重要な役割の[影響力の大きい]人)
- contribute(貢献する)
- impact(影響(力))
- participate(加わる、分かち合う)
- influential((名)影響力のある人(形)有力な、勢力のある、誘因となる)
- It has always been my ambition to be part of the leadership team of a company such as this.(御社のような会社でチームリーダーとして働くことは私の夢でした。)
- I know I can contribute to the success of this company.(御社の成功に貢献できると思います。)
- I want to be an influence in the future growth of this company.(今後の成長に影響を与える存在でありたいと思っています。)
- I envision this company to be in the top echelon of business within the next 5 years.(私は今後5年以内に、この会社が業界のトップレベルになることを想定しています。)
- I want to be a key player in the future growth of this company.(御社の成長のための中心的存在になりたいです。)
- My work ethic and determination to succeed will help to propel this company forward.(成功するための私の労働倫理と決断力は、きっと御社の推進力となって役立つでしょう。)
- I was the driving force of my previous company's success.(私は前会社での成功の立役者となっていました。)
- I hope to expand this company by opening branch offices throughout the world.(世界中に支社をオープンしてこの会社を拡大するつもりです。)
- I hope that my record and reputation as a team player will convince you that I am the right person.(私の業績と高い評価によって、チームのメンバーとして私がふさわしいということをあなたに証明できればと思います。)
- My only goal is to make this company second to none.(私のただ唯一の目的は、この会社を一番にすることです。)
2. Here is another way you can say this: ''striving''